Charity Shopping West Tyrone

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Sometimes the smaller, rural charity shops are spaced far apart. That means we can’t fit so many into an afternoon. Is it worth travelling to just two shops? We took a trip to two shops in West Tyrone to find out.

Charity Shop #1, Castlederg

Castlederg has four charity shops at the minute, but we were pushed for time so we only visited one today. We will save the rest for another day.

Drop Inn in Castlederg is situated on the site of a former school, which means they have great parking (free) and plenty of room inside for lots of stock. As well as clothing, they have furniture, toys, books, and plenty of household items to browse.

The shop is lovely and open and green, with a really welcoming atmosphere. Prices vary from £1 upwards, but with so many rails, be prepared to spend some time looking through everything.

There is a huge range of kids’ clothing here, and even when we don’t find anything to resell we often find ourselves picking up a beautiful coat or jumper for one of the small people in our house.

This gorgeous Joe Brown dress was brand new with tags, priced at £8. A real find if you want it for yourself, but no profit there for a reseller. Its still there waiting for you, go grab it quick if you love it as much as I did.

Charity Shop #2, Newtownstewart

Newtownstewart is about ten minutes’ drive from Castlederg, and Cancer Focus NI, their only charity shop, is located on it’s main street. Parking (free) is available on the street, but the town is busy so spaces are sometimes limited.

The shop is small inside but they still manage to stock a fair amount of clothing, books, toys and household items.

Prices range from about £2 upwards. Their kids’ clothing rail is small but today everything on it was only £1. Always worth a look, but unfortunately nothing fitted our babies today.

Still, the kids didn’t leave empty handed. When toys start from 50p, they will always find something to bring home.

Happily, I didn’t leave empty handed either, and brought home this Jaeger shirt for £2.99. That should make a small profit on eBay, although it might sit for a while before finding a new owner. I thought it was lovely, but I have not been a size 8 in many years. I am sure we will find it a new home.


Diesel is expensive. Is it worth travelling to the scattered rural charity shops to try to find treasure?

If your sole purpose is to find new stock for your eBay store, you might struggle to make a trip like today’s worth your while. A lot of sourcing to resell is just about luck; some days you will find something, other days you just won’t. But if your trip is also about fact finding, brand research, picking up a new coat for one of the kids, then its definitely worth it. We will revisit these two shops again, perhaps as part of a bigger trip that will take in a few more shops to increase our chances of finding treasure.

Click here to see these two shops added to our charity shop map.

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