Plan Your Thrifty Christmas – Buying, Selling, and Gifting Second-Hand

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It’s October as I write this, so I apologise to all of those who believe Christmas shouldn’t be mentioned until at least 24th December; but on a tight budget, many of us need to plan ahead. You could save a lot of money this year with a little thrifting – so let’s get Christmassing.

Make Room – and Make Money – for New Toys

Now is the time to list toys on eBay if you want to reach the Christmas shoppers.

If you have a mountain of kids’ toys that are in good condition, now is the time to round them up and re-home them. Once you have talked the kids into letting them go, get them listed.

What Toys Sell on eBay?

Here are some of the toys that you could sell on eBay now to fund your Christmas shopping;

Lego/ Duplo

There are Lego collectors and enthusiasts who have wish-lists a mile long. If you have a complete set – especially with the instructions included – check the “sold” listings on eBay to see what yours might be worth.

You can also sell bundles of bricks, if you don’t have a complete set, as many parents of young builders out there will be keen to boost their youngsters’ stock without breaking the bank. Just check your postage costs first, if sending big orders out.

Wooden Toys

Many people buy second-hand because they are keen on reducing the environmental impact of buying new. Sustainably sourced, eco-friendly wooden toys can be very expensive to buy brand new, so buyers are always happy to see them listed on eBay.

Toy Cars and Vehicles

If you have ever met a toddler, you will know that many of them become obsessed with trains, excavators, cement mixers, cranes, bulldozers, helicopters, DeLoreans… you name it. There will always be someone out there looking for little stocking fillers for their kids; check the value before listing in case you have something a bit rare and special.

Character Sets

Every few years, another series comes out for the kids to get obsessed with. If you have a house full of Paw Patrol, Octonauts, or Waybuloos – whatever they are – there is someone out there waiting to buy them from you.

Jigsaws and Puzzles

If you give a guarantee that all pieces are in the box, puzzlers everywhere are trawling eBay looking for their next challenge. Double check, seal up the box carefully, and get it listed on eBay.

Teddies and Stuffed Toys

Again, if you have ever spoken to a small child, you will know that sometimes their favourite animal is a pony, or a dog – and sometimes its a capybara or an axolotl or a pangolin or a pygmy shrew. Kids, eh? With some stuffed toys being ridiculously expensive to buy brand new, buyers will snap up your pre-loved pangolins and pygmy shrews, as long as they are in good condition.

Barbie and Barbie accessories

Barbie and her lil buddies have had a resurgence in popularity since the film was released, so if you have a big box of tiny shoes and handbags that you want to get rid of, list them on eBay and see what you can get.

A close-up of a Barbie looking at the camera, with the text caption "These tiny little people take up so much room"

So, that’s the selling started. What about the buying? We all do a fair bit of that at Christmas…

Are second-hand gifts acceptable at Christmas?

I wrote about this last year coming up to the festive season, and the answer remains the same – yes!

It’s funny, because some of the most touching gifts we will receive in our lives are second-hand; that childhood favourite book that has gone out of print, for example, or a vintage record. We know these have been owned by someone else, and it adds to their charm.

We feel lucky because this gift has been travelling through any number of different homes, and now it has found us.

A tick-list with the words vintage, antique, and second-hand, each word followed by a red tick

But when it comes to buying the kids’ presents, we worry that they need to be brand new.

We think they somehow won’t be as special, or the kids will “know,” and the magic of Christmas will be ruined.

A good friend of ours has bought second-hand gifts for her children every Christmas since they were born, and her little boys are every bit as happy on Christmas morning as any other child. Not only does she save money, but she is also saving the planet and keeping used toys out of landfill.

Start a New Christmas Tradition

A graphic image of a piece of lined notepaper, with the words "dear Elves" written on it in childlike handwriting

Many of us grew up knowing that Santa’s elves make all of the toys in their workshop in the North Pole. Then Santa delivers them on Christmas Eve night, ready to be played with in the morning.

But those poor elves – what if they need a break?

What if Santa wants to help save the planet?

And what if there are lots of unused, grown-out-of toys in the house that some other child would love to play with?

There is no reason why we can’t tweak the Christmas narrative slightly to have the elves visiting charity shops and redistributing pre-loved toys on Christmas Eve.

Maybe the kids could even mention that in their letter to Santa. Imagine how proud they would be if they were chosen to receive something so special that it has already been loved and cared for by another lucky child.

Other Ways to Thrift Your Christmas


The charity shops will start bringing out their Christmas stock now. Among it will be trees, tablecloths, napkins, wreaths, ornaments… everything you could want to Christmassy up your home on a budget.


Christmas means party season, which means party clothes. Find your sparkly dress or sequinned suit at your nearest charity shop now, and save a fortune.

If your workplace have a Christmas jumper day, you are almost guaranteed to find one in the charity shops, too. Wear it, wash it, and donate it for someone else to find; let’s keep that eco-cycle going.

Cards and Wrapping paper

Many of the bigger charity shops have their own ranges of cards and wrap. You will also find unopened packs that have been donated, for a great price.

Candles and Home Fragrance

Unwanted gifts and surplus stock often make their way into charity shops. Now is the time to grab them, and get that candy cane smell wafting around your living room. We all start to feel Christmassy as soon as we light those festive candles!

Start Early, but Don’t Stress

I used to think that the earlier you started planning Christmas, the earlier the stress and sleepless nights would start. Maybe a bit of hiding my head in the sand? But since we started charity shopping, the stress of Christmas has eased considerably. It doesn’t need to be a panicky time, and the charity shops can be a treasure trove at this time of year.

Start now, and visit the charity shops often. You will be amazed at what you could find and put away between now and December.

Happy thrifty Christmas preparations, everyone.

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12 Responses

    • Thank you! I really love vintage tree decorations, so I am keeping an eye out for those this year – hoping that our toddler will allow them to stay on the tree!

  1. Oh gosh, this is exactly what I needed this year. Our budget is downsized, but that’s alright. I think it will be good for us to be a bit mort thrifty and focus on time and memories rather than things. Thanks for the ideas!

    • Thank you so much for getting in touch! I hope some of this is useful to you – and the memories are way more important than anything else, you are so right!

    • Thank you! We say every year we will be more organised this time around, it might actually happen for us this year!